Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 55

Today I am thankful for snow plows and the people who drive them.  With bad roads I am thankful that they are out to try and keep the roads safe for everyone to drive.

I am thankful for rear defrost stripes that work so well to heat up my rear window.  I don't have a brush for my new car yet and I am thankful that I didn't have to worry about scraping off the snow off of the back.

I am thankful for Thomas Eddison and the many contributions that his ideas and inventions have really changed society for the better in so many ways.  What would our lives be like today if he had never followed his ideas?  I hope that someday I can leave the world a better place because I was here.

I am thankful for the freelance jobs that have come Ryan's way over the past couple of weeks.  They have helped to boost Ryan's belief in his design talent.

I am thankful for garden burgers.  I am trying to eat a few more vegetables and not so much meat in my diet.  Garden burgers help me do just that.  I went to Red Robin and I had a great burger tonight and I didn't have anything that was deep fried nor did I have any meat.  I feel full but not over done.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 54

Today I am thankful for tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  These two things are one of life's simple pleasures.  A cold and difficult day calls for such a good thing.

I am thankful for cold mornings.  It helps me enjoy a good run even among the trials of achieving my goals.

I am thankful for concrete.  So much in our life depends on concrete.  From pipes to homes to even our cars everything in our society depends on concrete.  What a blessing it is to have it in our lives.

I am thankful for tv trays.  Such a small table that does so much.

I am thankful for trials.  They always provide good opportunities to grow mentally and emotionally.  Trials are often blessings in disguise.

I am thankful for second chances of life and love.  Life is all about not giving up and moving forward.  Second chances are what it is all about.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 53

I am thankful for windows.  Not the operating system that you use on your computer.  But the real windows that you can look out of into the world.  Just imagine how dark our lives would be if we didn't have windows to see out of when we had to be inside.

I am thankful for psychologists who can help us work through our troubled minds.  Mental illness is such a horrible thing to live with.  The phrase that it is all in your head is so true here.  Sometimes the worst illnesses are the ones that we can't see or feel from the outside.  Mental illness is taken so lightly that it is often joked about.  When was the last time someone made a joke about cancer of any kind or even any physical ailment.  Yet, mental illness is laughed about all of the time.  I am thankful for those who have trained to help those people through those illnesses.

I am thankful for tires.  I would hate to drive the 20 minute drive that I drive each day with wooden wheels.  Driving 60 + miles an hour on wooden wheels wouldn't quite get me to work safely in one piece.

I am thankful written word. Our lives revolve around writing.  Every culture has some kind of written language.  What a blessing it is to communicate in this way.

I am thankful for service of others.  We all depend on others to help us whether we want to admit it or not.  I am so thankful for those who take time out of their busy day to help me in one small way or another.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 52

Today I am thankful for the 18 wheelers that bring supplies to our area.  Just think how our nation would be affected if all of the truckers stopped doing their job.  They are people that we take for granted on a daily basis and I am so thankful for all that they do and sacrifice so I can have the supplies that I need to get by day to day.

I am thankful for gas pumps.  I am so thankful that I don't have to go out and dump gallons upon gallons into my car by hand.  Gas pumps make that all possible.

I am thankful for electric razors that shave Ryan's hair and saves us so much money.  What a blessing it is to save $120/year because Ryan shaves his head at home.

I am thankful for the pigs that have laid down their lives so that I might enjoy a pork chop meal.  Animals do so much for us and I am so grateful for all that they do for me.

I am thankful for my inhaler.  I hope I will never have an asthma attach again.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 51

I am thankful for mouth wash.  When you have bad breath for one reason or another we always reach for the mouth wash to take care of it.

I am thankful for the ability to stand back and laugh at myself sometimes.  This evening our friend Geniel came over to be with us.  We had dinner and watched a couple of movies and then I went to take Geniel home.  When I walked out of the complex I couldn't find the car.  I walked all over our complex parking lot and couldn't see it.  I was all in a panic and came rushing in to tell Ryan that our brand new car had been stolen.  Ryan informed me that he had locked it and that it should be parked out there.  I walked out and went to where he told me to.  I began to laugh.  I had walked right passed it more than once.

I am thankful for vacuums.  I would hate to take up all of this carpet once a week and then go out and have to beat it over a line.  What a pain that would be.

I am thankful for my new running shoes.  They make running and walking so much easier.  I haven't quite broken them in yet, but I hope to start soon as I begin my new training program for the marathon that I will be running in.

I am thankful for online banking.  It makes keeping up with finances a lot easier because I can see what has posted on a daily basis verses having to wait a whole month.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 50

I am thankful for board games.  They are such a good time to get to know friends and family members.  Good times can be had with some popcorn and a board game.  I dare you to not have a great time with a board game.  It just isn't possible.

I am thankful for doctors who study hard and really understand their stuff.  Without their knowledge and understanding of the human body few of us would really be alive today.

I am thankful modern medicine.  A hundred years ago if you got tuberculosis you were considered terminal.  If you had cancer, the flu or other serious illness you were in grave danger of dying.  Thanks to those who have dedicated their lives to understanding pathogens many of these diseases are treatable or nearly eradicated.

I am thankful for text messaging.  Sometimes that is the only way that Ryan and I can keep in touch. because he works nights and I work days we are like ships in the night and we rarely get to see each other.  I am thankful that we can at least do some form of communication.

I am thankful for oatmeal.  Most people don't like oatmeal.  I love it.  I eat it all of the time.  I love to put raisins, cinnamon, and brown sugar with it.  So good.  And when there isn't much else to eat in the house my pa and I will sit down to a bowl of oatmeal and fill ourselves up with this good stuff.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 49

I am grateful for a refrigerator.  I don't think that ice houses would be my cup of tea.  Having to go out every winter to a lake and chop up ice blocks and then having to haul them back home and then stack them just so so that they would last throughout the rest of the year is not my idea of fun.  I can walk into my kitchen open up the door find what I am looking for and then shut the door.  The only thing I have to worry about is whether or not I have paid the power bill so that things stay cold.

I am thankful for fans.  Whenever I get hot either at home or work I can reach over and turn the fan on.  That is such a relief to a hot body.

I am thankful for fingernail clippers.  I don't know how our ancestors did it when they needed to cut their nails.  I guess they used a knife.  I don't do well with that kind of cutting.  I am afraid that I would cut the ends of my fingers off.  

I am thankful encouragement from my running partner.  She is amazing.  She is always reminding me that I can do anything.   I hope that I can justify her faith in me someday.

I am thankful for insurance for my car and apartment.  What a blessing to know that if something ever happens to my cars or home that I am covered and that I will never have to worry about replacing my stuff.    

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 48

I am thankful for hoodies.  I love having a combination sweatshirt and jacket that has a hood.  Nothing better for a cold winter morning that a hoodie to keep my ears and head warm.

I am thankful for ponytail holders.  I hate my hair being in my eyes.  I love being able to pull back my hair out of my eyes to make it easier for me to see.

I am so thankful for the support I have found in my new adventure of running.  You know who you are.  Without your support I wouldn't know what to do or where to start or what to do or even answers to all of my questions.

I am thankful for seeds.  Look at how much of our life depends on a seed.   Our food, clothing, even our homes depend on seeds.  What miracle workers they are.  Something so small becomes something so grand.

I am thankful for plastic.  I know that it isn't environmentally safe.  but look at how much of our lives depend on this material.  More than anyone of us really wants to admit to.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 47

I am so thankful for sacrament meeting.  I love partaking of the Sacrament and renewing my covenants with my Heavenly Father.  I love listening to the speakers.  I even love it more when I feel the Spirit of God there testifying of the truths being taught.

I am so thankful for income tax return.  I will be able to pay off a few bills and pay 6 months worth of my insurance.   That in and of itself is a huge blessing.  I really don't like being in debt.  Income tax return is a way to try to get a head somewhat.

I am thankful for the chance to redo my personal progress.  Personal Progress is a program for Young Women to help them grow their testimonies of the Savior and gain a better understanding of who they are and where they are going in life.  When I was a teenager I had a chance to do this for myself but I never took full advantage of it.  As part of the Young Women presidency I finally have a chance to do it again.  This time it is so different and a whole lot more work then when I was a teenager.

I am thankful for gas caps.  Silly I know but if you stop and think about it we would be in a world of hurt if our cars didn't have caps for the gas tanks.  We would run out of gas a whole lot faster.

I am thankful for jars.  A lot of our food comes in a jar.  Imagine what it would be like if we didn't have jars to put our food in.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 46

Today I am thankful for The Muppets.  I can never watch them without it bringing a smile to my face.  Ryan and I went to the new Muppet movie tonight.  I felt like a kid again watching that movie.  It was such a great feeling.

I am thankful for dollar movies.  I don't normally go to new releases.  I always wait until it comes to the dollar theater and then go watch it.  I save so much money that way.  Sometimes I can see a show for $.75.  When I can I make it a double feature.

I am thankful for fabric softener.  I hate static cling on my clothes.

I am thankful for lunch containers.  It sure makes life so much easier when you have something to carry your lunch in.

I am thankful for safety razors.  I would never be good with a straight edge razor.  I am afraid I would cut someone's throat or cut my legs off.  God bless the person who invented the razor that we enjoy today.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 45

Today I am thankful for the chance to help a friend today in a tight situation.  What a blessing it is to pay it forward for all of those times that someone has helped us.

I am also thankful for pad thai.  I have a new favorite kind of food.

I am thankful for good times with family.  Those small moments are what brings us together.

I am thankful for those rare quiet moments where I can turn off the tv and have no other distractions for a few moments of quiet times just being alone.

I am thankful for "Common Sense".  Because of that pamphlet I enjoy living in this great country of ours.  Sadly the author of this book is almost forgotten by our present generations.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 44

I am grateful for embarrassing moments in life.  They always make me laugh at myself and I even learn something about myself in the process.

I am thankful for my husband's journal entries that he wrote while we were dating.  They reminded me of just how much Ryan and I love each other.  Those entries even kindled some of the romance that had been missing in our marriage.

I am thankful for postage stamps.  Before they were invented people would send letters and the postage would have to been paid by the receiver.  Luckily the sender now pays the postage and makes mailing important documents and other things much more convient when there are a book of stamps near by.

I am thankful for the sacrifice that President Obama makes for this country.  I honestly don't agree with his politics, but I admire him for the things that he has sacrificed to try to lead this country.

I am thankful for my IRA.  If I stay with Wells Fargo in one capacity or another I will retire with a nice pension at the age of 65.  It sure brings peace of mind to know that there is a nest egg established for our retirement.

Day 43

I am thankful for the ball and socket that creates my shoulder joint.  Just think of all that can be accomplished by this simple and flexible movement.  I shudder to think of how well my arm and shoulder would function without this kind of joint.

I am thankful for dressers.  I hate piling my stuff in random places. Dressers keep everything nice and neat for the most part.  The top of mine is acting like a catch all at the moment.  I hope that tomorrow night I will have enough energy to come in my room and clean it until it shines.

I am thankful for the support of friends and family when it comes to the big decision that I have made.  I have set another goal for myself to run in the Top of Utah Marathon on September 15, 2012.  You have no idea how big of a decision this is.  I weight 300 lbs. (that is no exaggeration), I have asthma, and I hate to exercise.   There you have it true confessions. But I have this crazy dream to run in this marathon.  I have been wanting to do it for the past 4 years.  I am trying to get my personal progress in order and this marathon seems like a very big, but achievable, goal.     I am going to break it down into smaller goals.  Smaller goal number one see doctor about asthma and exercise.  Smaller goal number two get good pair of running shoes.  Smaller goal number three go running everyday. Smaller goal number four train for a 5k and go from there.  Oh I forgot to mention that one of my young women, Lauren, is going to be my brave marathon partner.  I have so much respect for her.  She is only 13 and doesn't quite understand what she is getting into.  Another good motivation to get going.  To set an example for this girl and achieve this goal with her.

I am thankful for The Cranberries.  I confess I still like them.  I have had "Dreams" stuck in my head all day today.  Last time this happened to another song I played it 5 times a day and Ryan was about to ready to kill me because I sang and played it so much.  Look out honey!!! I have a new one in my head that reminds me of you.

I am thankful for a printer that works.  I had to print out a lot of paperwork this week and we were out of ink.  Pa was kind enough to donate some ink to our cause.  What a blessing to be able to print stuff out.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 42

I am thankful for mashed potatoes.  I don't know who it was that thought about cutting potatoes and boiling the heck out of them and then mashing them all together, but God bless the person that did.  They sure are heavenly.

I am thankful for a sense of humor.  Granted my sense of humor is a little different from everyone else's, but it helps me make it through those tough days.

I am thankful for laughter.  Laughter is more contagious than a common cold.  I dare you to start laughing in a room full of people and not have them laughing along with you with in a few minutes.  Laughter is the best medicine for whatever ails you.

I am thankful for my surround sound system.  It makes listening to music so much better.  This morning I was listening to my favorite Kenny G CD.  It sounded just like he was having a concert in my living room.

I am thankful for my kettle.  It is a combination deep fryer, steamer, stock pot, and crock pot all rolled into one.  It is amazing.  I made minestrone soup in it today and took it to work and was able to keep it warm all in the same pot.  I have even used it to make popcorn from time to time.  It is amazing.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 41

Today I am thankful for my wedding ring.   I have been wearing it for 9 years.  My husband gave it to me as an engagement ring.  It had been in his family for 2 generations.   Women who have since become beloved by me as much as my own family.  Not only is it priceless as an antique, but it is priceless because of the meaning behind the ring.  The promises of forever that Ryan made me.  He still keeps those promises everyday.  I love spending my life with him.

I am thankful for email.  With Ryan and I working different shifts it is so nice to be able to shoot emails back and forth between each other to keep the lines of communication open.

I am thankful for pots and pans.  It makes life so much easier to cook dinner when I have a pot or pan to do it with.  Granted I hate washing them, but then it only makes life that much more fun.

I am thankful for elevators.  I work in a three story office building.   The stairs are conveniently next to the elevators and the floor plan of both is wide open.  The stairs tend to hurt my knees and irritate my asthma.  I am so grateful that I can take the elevator and get to my work everyday.

I am thankful for dish soap.  I am not sure how they cleaned the dishes when they didn't have that stuff.  It sure makes washing dishes a whole lot easier and more sanitary.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 40

I am grateful for the principle of patience.  When customers are being rude, or just downright ornery patience is the only thing that gets me through that call.  If I ever lose my patience with a customer it makes the call a lot worse.  I also try to be patient with my husband.  Without patience our marriage would go south really fast.  It is an ongoing thing to try and be patient with him.  But I think I am getting better.  Though he might say otherwise.

I am thankful for radios.  I love to listen to music for just about everything.  Radios provide my much needed fix.

I am thankful fences.  Kind of funny I know.  Fences to protect us from wild animals and they also protect us from being hurt when there is a pool and no adult supervision.  Fences do so much for us.

I am thankful windshield wipers.  I love the rain.  But I really hate it when I can't see out of my windshield.  Wipers come along and suddenly I can see.  I am so glad that I don't have to stop every few miles to wipe off my window so that I can see well enough to drive.

I am thankful for scientists who have made all of the contributions to bring the world to where we are today.  Think about that.  What would the world be like if no one ever took the time think what if...... Those people have been a blessing to our lives.  

Day 39

I am grateful for swings.  When I was a child the swings were one of my favorite things to play on.  Flying up and up seemingly to touch the sky.  What a feeling it is to be able to fly.

I am thankful for hamburgers.  I love a good juicy hamburger.  I got one today that was perfection in itself.  

I am thankful for the peaceful quiet of a small country town.  We went for a ride today to Oakley, UT.  I love going up there.  It kind of reminds me of my home town.

I am grateful for the city.  There are joys that come with living in the city.  Closer everything.  Sometimes though things feel a little too close.  I think that is more that I live in an apartment complex than anything else.

I am thankful for my muscles.  I would never be able to move without the use of these things.  The human body is such a wonder.  There are so many muscles that function to do the smallest tasks.  I know that I take this for granted on a daily basis.  

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 38

I am thankful for the passage of time.  Time is the miracle worker as well as the curse.  It does always pass.  Today and tomorrow always become yesterday.  That in and of itself is a blessing.

I am thankful for my fingernails.  I shutter to think how I would deal with an itch on my skin if I didn't have nails.

I am thankful for girls nights out.  What a way to relax and chit chat about husbands, children, and other things. I love having associations with good people who we can laugh and share good times with.

I am thankful for Oreo cookies.  Whoever thought to bake chocolate cookies and then put frosting in the middle and make sandwiches out of them was brilliant.  When milk is added then you have a gift from the gods.

I am thankful for kidneys.  What a blessing it is to have them work so well to clean out the toxins in my blood as well as keep my blood pressure regular.  This is one of the many things that I take for granted.

Day 37

I am thankful for imagination.  How much of life is possible because of our ability to imagine things.  What a glorious thing it is to imagine things and then to help them to come to pass.

I am thankful for my heart.  I hope that it will keep on beating for many years to come.

I am thankful for mops with squeezable sponges.  When the toilet flood I at least don't have to wring it out by hand.

I am thankful for stores that are open all night.  When emergencies happen like they did tonight I can run to the store and get what I need.  What a blessing that is.

I am thankful for the ability to breath through a nose that doesn't run every five minutes.  My nose right now is so sore from taking care of it so much.  I hope that I can be over this cold very soon.  

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 36

I am grateful for garbage dumps.  I know, I keep coming up with strange things.  Think about it though.  It really is true that there is a place for everything.  We are wasteful creatures.  We use something and then throw it out.  When garbage is just left on the street it becomes a breeding ground for disease and other unpleasant things.  What a joy that we live in a time where streets are kept cleaner than they were 200 years ago.

I am thankful for the covenants I have made.  I know that if I try to keep those covenants I will be able to return back to my Heavenly Father.  What a glorious reunion that will be.

I am thankful for games.  Nothing better than to play games, computer or otherwise, to unwind and bond with my family.

I am thankful for the principle of work.  I am not just talking about the 9-5 daily grind of a job, though it is part of it, I am talking about working to maintain our lives and achieve our goals. What a blessing to work for something and then to achieve it.  God did a marvelous thing when He turned Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. When we work hard for something we always appreciate it more.

I am thankful for the ability to make choices.  Can you imagine what it would be like if we truly didn't have any choices.  If we were made to do everything.  We would never know true happiness because we wouldn't know sadness.  Every choice was already made for us.  You may think "Oh, how much easier life would be then."  Think about it.  Would life be easier?  I don't think so.  Because we wouldn't know easy from hard.  We wouldn't gain any experiences.  All of our choices would be made for us.  You may think "Oh, but there are times when we don't have a choice."  That isn't true.  There is always a choice.  If one would just stop and think there is always a choice.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 35

I am thankful for low grade fevers that my body has to rid itself of disease.  If you haven't guessed from my last two posts I have a cold.  It really is a part of life to have an illness.  I am thankful for this opposite of good health.  It helps me really be thankful for the times when I do have good health.  The Chinese have it right in believing in the Yin Yang relationship.  All things in life have an opposite.  It must be this way.

I am thankful for Quicken.  I know. That is strange.  I make my living by people calling me and asking me how to get their Quicken/Quickbooks to work.  I decided that I had to get this program to better understand how it works.  Just using it makes budgeting so much easier.

I am thankful for my Wii.  I like to play video games, but I love to stream movies to my Wii using Netflix.  Its a good sick day activity.

I am thankful for my vacation time as well as my work letting me schedule today off yesterday so that I could take the time to heal.

I am thankful for orange juice.  Who ever thought of squeezing oranges to get juice and then put it in a glass.  I think orange juice is the second drink of the Gods.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 34

Today I am thankful for Kleenexes.  I hate using handkerchiefs.  They are so unsanitary.  Plus I hate washing them.  Kleenexes are a one time use and in the garbage it goes.

I am thankful for steam.  Steam can work wonders when there is a stuffy nose and a cold.  Steam always makes me sicker for a while.  I then climb in bed and a few hours later I feel so much better.

I am thankful for my immune system.  Just think what life would be like if we didn't have an immune system.

I am thankful for the woman that Pa met today. I haven't seen him so happy in a very long time.  To watch him be more like his old self again is so priceless to me.

I am thankful for gasoline.  Without it our cars wouldn't be able to go.  Inventors have tried to come up with other options.  Over the years but gasoline has won out.  However electricity is up and coming.   I am just thankful that I don't have to walk to work.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 33

Today I am grateful for the Still Small Voice that guides, comforts, and corrects us all if we will but listen. Some people call it conscience.  I call Him the Holy Ghost.  I am working every day to receive Him more in my life.

I am thankful for The Book of Mormon.  What a joy it is to read it and to be washed cleaner everyday because of the examples that are set forth in that holy book.

I am thankful for  Pa has been wanting to connect with some of his nieces that he hasn't seen in a long time.  I know where one of them is and was able to locate her by this marvelous website.  Need a phone number out of state this website is my best friend.

I am thankful for art.  Art is so subjective in its design and perception of the design.  How we view the world is how we will view the piece of art.  Yet beauty is to be found of some sort in every piece.

I am thankful gumbo!!!! I made some today for Sunday dinner and it was so good.  I have been avoiding it because spicy food and I don't always get along.  But it was so worth it!!!!!

Day 32

I am thankful for cleaning supplies.  Just think what our ancestors did without them.  They had to make their own.  I am thankful that I don't have to make my own supplies and what I have cleans pretty well.  I spent all afternoon putting my kitchen to rights.  It was so messy.

I am thankful for the ways that are available to a man and a woman to express love.  What a sweet thing it is to be with the love of my life every day of my life.

I am thankful for dishwashers.  Washing dishes is not my most favorite thing in the world.  I am ashamed to admit this but I have had the same dirty dishes in my sink for 2 weeks.  Ryan and I have been so busy that they just kept piling up until I couldn't take it any longer.  Dishwashers, when I do wash dishes, make my life so much easier.

I am thankful for cookbooks.  There is so much knowledge out there about different ways to prepare delicious food that it would take a life time to learn it all.   Cookbooks are a great way to learn some of these ways.  They have been a great aid in my journey to be a good housewife.  I love to prepare healthy meals at a low price.  

I am thankful for Bob Hope.  I love his comedic style of movies.  If I am ever feeling down I just watch one of his movies.  I laugh so hard that life doesn't seem so bad any more.  Wish they made more wholesome movies like that.  

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 31

Today I am thankful for enemies.  We, as Christians, have been counseled by the Greatest One of All to love our enemies and to pray for them that use us.  I have had enemies in the past and in the present.  Mostly they have been members of my own family.  I have found that praying for them and forgiving them many times over helps me be more mentally healthy and happier.  I am thankful for that lesson that I have learned.  (Though it isn't always easy to practice it.)

I am thankful for our hill.  Our hill is a beautiful view of the Salt Lake Valley.  If you take 45th south straight up to the east bench past I-215 you will come to a seminary parking lot.  Pull in there facing west and enjoy the view.  I love going up there with Ryan.  It is a good time for some good chats and fun times.  So many wonderful memories with our hill.

I am thankful for crab legs.  Sweet gold and lots of work but so worth it.  We celebrated that Ryan got a job today.  I ordered crab legs for the first time in many years.  I love them.  I am thankful for the crustacean that gave its life so that I might eat.  

I am thankful for kitchen gadgets.  So many gadgets so little kitchen space.  Someday I will have a huge kitchen with lots of cool gadgets for my kitchen.  Including a pasta maker, professional grade Kitchen Aid, and a professional grade ice cream maker.

I am thankful for knives.  We do so much with knives every day and yet we never pause to wonder what we would do without them.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 30

Ryan got hired at Teleproformance today.  I am thankful for that steady job, but most of all I am thankful that his schedule is almost exactly like mine.  We have been blessed the most with this schedule change.  It is so difficult to maintain a marriage when husband and wife work opposite schedules.  This way there will only be a few hours difference and we will have the same days off.  What a blessing that is in the phone world.

I am thankful for ice cubes.  A cold drink is just not the same without them.  I also love to add them to a steaming cup of noodles for my lunch so that I can be done eating sooner.  Nothing feels better on a hot day than to run ice cubes all over the back of my neck.

I am thankful for steel.  Just think what all exists because of the invention of steel.  We take it for granted but there is so much that it does for us.  When was the last time that you looked up at the skeleton of a sky scraper and marveled at what is being placed right there.  When was the last time that we rode or drove in a car and pondered what was underneath us?  Our lives do revolve around steel.

I am thankful for kitchen sinks. So much of our life revolves around the kitchen sink.  I never really realized how much until my friend talked about remodeling her kitchen and all of the stuff that she had to do in her bathroom tub.  Kitchen sinks.  Another thing I have always taken for granted.

I am grateful for my health insurance.  Ryan has some skin problems and he is going to have to see a doctor about it.  Seeing a doctor without insurance is so expensive.  Not to mention all of the drugs that will be involved too.  Insurance is such a blessing.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 29

Today I am thankful for satellites that help predict the weather.  I don't know how they did it all of those years ago when there were major storms on the way and no way to prepare for them.  What a blessing it is to know what to expect for my drive to and from work tomorrow.

I am thankful for hot weather.  It makes me appreciate the cold weather all of the more.  When ever I get too cold I just pile on the blankets and make a cup of cocoa for myself and family.

I am thankful for tears.  Our tears do so much for us. They protect us against diseases,keep our eyes dry, and show the emotions that we feel.

I am thankful for wash clothes.  I don't like to wash dishes using my hands.  Wash clothes always make them come out so much cleaner.

I am thankful for mountains.  I feel sorry for people who have never lived near mountains.  They never really get the scope of how tall a mountain is.  The song that Peggy Wood sings in Sound of Music "Climb Every Mountain" takes on a whole new meaning when a person lives near some tall mountains.  I always look up to them and think how wonderful the view from up there looks.  Especially from Mount Olympus here in Holladay.   Mountains provide us with protection from tornadoes, verity in landscape, and some other vital things that are vital to our existence.