Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 58

I am thankful for antibiotic ointments that will kill the bacteria in any cut and skin infection.  I don't know how people did it before this was discovered.  Alcohol and Hydrogen Peroxide just don't seem to cut it quite to the extent that this stuff does.

I am thankful for renters insurance.  What a relief it is to know that if there is any fire, theft, or even flood my stuff can be replaced without too much inconvenience.

I am thankful for glue.  Isn't it amazing how much glue is involved in our lives.  We often don't think too much about it until we need it.

I am thankful for batteries.  We depend on them daily.  Nearly everything has a battery.  I walked out into my living room this morning and my clock had died.  What a pain it is to look at the clock and think is that the right time?

I am thankful for clocks.  All of our lives are run by the ticking of a clock in one form or another.  It is a comfort to know that the time is right for all things.  Time is truly the essence of our lives.  It is all that we have when we are born and all that we lose when we die.  

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 57

I am thankful for the discovery of polenta to my kitchen repertoire.  I didn't realize how filling and versatile this dish could be.  Whether it is for Italian dishes or Mexican  it is amazing.

I am thankful for the facts about nutrition that I have been learning lately.  I have noticed a difference in my health and welfare by cutting out a lot of the servings of the meat that I was eating and increasing my good carbs and vegetables.  In time I hope to see if it will help me run better.

I am thankful for the burst of energy that I find myself with on a daily basis that I get from running.   Exercise used to wear me out.  But when I have changed my diet I feel so much better.

I am thankful for my new work out pants.  I know that with these pants I will run a thousand miles in them.  I am so happy to have started my new life.

I am thankful for pixie haircuts.  It makes my life so much easier now that my hair is so much easier to do.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day 56

Today I am thankful for bathroom stalls.  I will let you imagine why.

I am thankful for the safe driving of other drivers.  When we all follow the rules of the road it sure makes life a lot easier.

I am thankful for the new breathing device that helps me inhale my albuterol even better.

I am thankful for the Mentalist.  I know that is strange but it is such a fun show to watch.

I am thankful for school buses and the contributions that they make for society.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 55

Today I am thankful for snow plows and the people who drive them.  With bad roads I am thankful that they are out to try and keep the roads safe for everyone to drive.

I am thankful for rear defrost stripes that work so well to heat up my rear window.  I don't have a brush for my new car yet and I am thankful that I didn't have to worry about scraping off the snow off of the back.

I am thankful for Thomas Eddison and the many contributions that his ideas and inventions have really changed society for the better in so many ways.  What would our lives be like today if he had never followed his ideas?  I hope that someday I can leave the world a better place because I was here.

I am thankful for the freelance jobs that have come Ryan's way over the past couple of weeks.  They have helped to boost Ryan's belief in his design talent.

I am thankful for garden burgers.  I am trying to eat a few more vegetables and not so much meat in my diet.  Garden burgers help me do just that.  I went to Red Robin and I had a great burger tonight and I didn't have anything that was deep fried nor did I have any meat.  I feel full but not over done.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day 54

Today I am thankful for tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.  These two things are one of life's simple pleasures.  A cold and difficult day calls for such a good thing.

I am thankful for cold mornings.  It helps me enjoy a good run even among the trials of achieving my goals.

I am thankful for concrete.  So much in our life depends on concrete.  From pipes to homes to even our cars everything in our society depends on concrete.  What a blessing it is to have it in our lives.

I am thankful for tv trays.  Such a small table that does so much.

I am thankful for trials.  They always provide good opportunities to grow mentally and emotionally.  Trials are often blessings in disguise.

I am thankful for second chances of life and love.  Life is all about not giving up and moving forward.  Second chances are what it is all about.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day 53

I am thankful for windows.  Not the operating system that you use on your computer.  But the real windows that you can look out of into the world.  Just imagine how dark our lives would be if we didn't have windows to see out of when we had to be inside.

I am thankful for psychologists who can help us work through our troubled minds.  Mental illness is such a horrible thing to live with.  The phrase that it is all in your head is so true here.  Sometimes the worst illnesses are the ones that we can't see or feel from the outside.  Mental illness is taken so lightly that it is often joked about.  When was the last time someone made a joke about cancer of any kind or even any physical ailment.  Yet, mental illness is laughed about all of the time.  I am thankful for those who have trained to help those people through those illnesses.

I am thankful for tires.  I would hate to drive the 20 minute drive that I drive each day with wooden wheels.  Driving 60 + miles an hour on wooden wheels wouldn't quite get me to work safely in one piece.

I am thankful written word. Our lives revolve around writing.  Every culture has some kind of written language.  What a blessing it is to communicate in this way.

I am thankful for service of others.  We all depend on others to help us whether we want to admit it or not.  I am so thankful for those who take time out of their busy day to help me in one small way or another.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 52

Today I am thankful for the 18 wheelers that bring supplies to our area.  Just think how our nation would be affected if all of the truckers stopped doing their job.  They are people that we take for granted on a daily basis and I am so thankful for all that they do and sacrifice so I can have the supplies that I need to get by day to day.

I am thankful for gas pumps.  I am so thankful that I don't have to go out and dump gallons upon gallons into my car by hand.  Gas pumps make that all possible.

I am thankful for electric razors that shave Ryan's hair and saves us so much money.  What a blessing it is to save $120/year because Ryan shaves his head at home.

I am thankful for the pigs that have laid down their lives so that I might enjoy a pork chop meal.  Animals do so much for us and I am so grateful for all that they do for me.

I am thankful for my inhaler.  I hope I will never have an asthma attach again.