Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 22

The blessings just keep on coming.  Ryan had another job offer.  It may not be in graphic design, but it is enough that we can be kept afloat.  This one could be a permanent gig until Ryan finds something else.  I am grateful for this other job offer.  It will be sufficient for our needs.

I am so thankful for the mutual program.  I love watching my girls have fun and learn.  I hope that some of the girls that don't come to church, but come to mutual will learn what they can do for the gospel and what the gospel can do for them.

I am grateful for Pa's medicine machine.  It has saved us many hours of fighting Pa to take his medication.  It keeps us sane and Pa independent as much as possible.

I am grateful for a smile that is shared from acquaintances.  Have you ever noticed what an ice breaker a smile can be?  Sometimes the best human relationships are the ones that started with a smile.

I am grateful for glasses.  Not the kind you wear but the kind you drink out of.  It sure makes getting a drink a whole lot easier.

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