Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 25

Today I am grateful for God's commandments.  Some people think that commandments are limiting.  I don't buy into that.  They are liberating.  I have never had to worry about going to jail because I have respected my neighbors property.  I have never had to worry about std's because the only person that I have been with is my husband.  I have healed from abusive situations because I have followed the example of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and have forgiven those who have hurt me.  I have even prayed for my enemies from time to time.  Because I have kept God's commandments I am the person that I am today.  (Though I am not perfect in any way.)

I am thankful that there is a prophet on the earth who points the way back home to a loving Heavenly Father.  So many people are lost in this life because they don't know that there is a way to live and be truly happy.  I am thankful that I do have this knowledge for myself.

I am thankful for my ancestors and the lessons of courage and endurance that they have taught me through reading their stories. It is so exhilarating to know where my family has come from and to know where they are going.  Family is everything to me.

I am thankful for shoes.  I do love to go barefoot as much as possible but only in my yard.  Everywhere else it is wonderful to have shoes to protect me from stepping on something and cutting my foot.

I am thankful for disagreements and the chances that I have to learn about the views of others.  I don't like to argue.  I don't even like to disagree with people.  But I find that I grow closer to that person that I have disagreed with after we have resolved the conflict in a healthy way.

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